Insert all the cliches about the new year here. I've typed and deleted about 15 of them in the last few minutes.
I love the anticipation of a new year. My creative side sees all the opportunities and the chance to leave behind the year that was feels like a new chance. New adventures, new risks, new everything.
In the spirit of the new year- I've been working on some new designs. I've got a sparkly new website-- this new creative blog which I hope to give more attention to than my older ones and I've got some new designs and merchandise available!
I've got some digital products coming out this year and I'm opening up my availability to more freelance and personalized graphic design and web design work. If you are looking for or know of any small businesses looking for logos or websites- send them my way!
Looking ahead to this new year and all the hope it brings with it!
Goodbye 2022, I'm ready for you to go. Thank you for the healing, thank you for bringing me through grief and growth. I don't say goodbye bitterly or resentfully, but with gratitude and I greet your sister 2023 with hope and anticipation!